About Our Surgery

Practice Policies & Patient Information

New Patients

Registration with the practice If you wish to register with the practice please attend the surgery or use the online […]

Meet the Team

Meet our practice team!


Methods of ordering your Repeat Prescriptions Patients on repeat medication need an annual medication review. This will usually be a […]


Appointments can be booked by phone, in person or online. Reception will ask brief questions to understand your needs. They […]


A carer is a person who looks after a relative, friend or neighbour who is finding life difficult to manage […]

Private Fees  

We do not have private patients. Some services however fall outside the NHS and for these a charge will be […]

Patient Group

The purpose of the patient forum is to provide an opportunity for patients to influence the delivery of healthcare services.  […]

Practice Policies

Read our practice policies and patient information.

Useful Contacts

Chastleton 0191 3846171 Ambulance Emergency 999 University Hospital of North Durham(Dryburn Hospital) 0191 3332333 Chester-le-Street Hospital 0191 3876301 Shotley Bridge […]

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.