Diabetes Review Questionnaire


Diabetes Review

This questionnaire is for a routine review of your symptoms. If you are experiencing chest pain, severe shortness of breath or other concerning symptoms, please follow your care plan (if you have one) or ring your GP or 999 immediately

Your Diabetes Review Questions

Have you attended a diabetes structure education programme in the last year?
Have you attended your diabetic eye screening appointment? If no, you should have been sent a letter for the Retinopathy Screening Department, so please make sure you respond to this
Have you had any hypoglycaemic attacks where you have felt hungry, sweaty, shaky, tingly, dizzy, irritated, anxious, tired? If yes, please telephone the surgery for further assessment if this is new or getting worse
If you use any injectable medications, please check your injection sites and select one of the options below. If abnormal, please telephone the surgery for further assessment if this is new or getting worse
Are you having any chest pain? If yes, please telephone the surgery immediately (or phone 999 if necessary) for further assessment
Are you having any shortness of breath? If yes and severe, please telephone the surgery immediately (or phone 999 if necessary) for further assessment
Do you have any leg swelling? If yes, please telephone the surgery for further assessment if this swelling is new or getting considerably worse
Do you have painful legs when walking or at night? If yes, please telephone the surgery for further assessment if this pain is new or getting considerably worse
Do you have any leg wounds? If yes, please telephone the surgery for further assessment if this wound is new or getting considerably worse

Your Lifestyle – Alcohol

How often do you a drink containing alcohol?
How many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day drinking? Please see: https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/understand-your-drinking/unit-calculator
How often have you had 6 or more units if female, or 8 or more if male, on a single occasion in the last year?

Your Lifestyle – Activity & Diet

How much exercise do you get?
What is your diet like?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.