Meet Our Mental Health First Contact Practitioner

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We are excited to introduce Fiona, our dedicated Mental Health First Contact Practitioner, available every Tuesday at Chastleton Medical Group.

What Fiona Can Do:

• Early Intervention: Fiona is here to provide early support, helping to address mental health concerns before they become more serious.

• No Wrong Door: She will accurately assess your needs and refer or signpost you to the most appropriate service.

• Rapid Triage: Quick and efficient assessment to direct you to the right help.

• One-Off Appointments: Usually bookable up to one week in advance.

• Suitable For: Adults over 18 years with mild to moderate mental health issues.

Who Fiona Cannot Help:

• Patients in a crisis situation – please contact the crisis team or dial 999 if there is an immediate threat to life.

• Patients in the middle of complex reviews with their GP.

• Patients already open to Mental Health services.

• Individuals under 18 years of age.

If you think Fiona can help you or if you have any questions, please contact us at Chastleton Medical Group to schedule an appointment. Let’s work together for better mental health! 💚
